
Monday, May 19, 2008

La Beaute

What is love? What is beauty? The answers pour down from the sky like melting clouds flowing onto the terrestrial sphere we inhabit. Beauty is become a stereotype, a landmark a free pass, rather than something to be enjoyed and cherished. We devour it, rip it at the flesh. Grinding the very meaning of it to minuscule bits. The remnants left to be observed and broken down even finer. What joy does that indeed bring us? The measly worthless beings who strut about as though we actually know our worth. Wisdom cries out. It begs to be heard by those mortal ears, yet so few will hearken to its voice. No time must be wasted on listening, oh no. No to wisdom. No to truth. Only draw nearer to the self fulfillment, moving forward always. No stopping to think about the decisions to be made nor to the consequences being faced but only looking at the desired outcome.
Beauty rests. It mingles. It dances and flows. It does not strive to break other things apart. beauty is the light seen after the darkness, or perhaps the darkness seen after the light. It is the connection between the individual and the object of an individuals decision. It is found in sight, through colors and shapes. In taste according to sensation and flavor. In audible form through music by one connecting with the sounds heard. The beat becomes pulse, the notes as a river carrying the imagination along, drifting. The listener establishing a connection to the words as they become their own by singing aloud.
It is all around us and it thrives on perception for that is its creator. The human mind decides what is worthy of its own attention. Through this, beauty becomes a tool with which all operate daily.
For some, beauty is all around; others, tis rare.
Everything contains it, but each person's choice whether to seek it out.


Anonymous said...

Robyn, did you write that?

It left me breathless.

This part: The measly worthless beings who strut about as though we actually know our worth. Wisdom cries out. It begs to be heard by those mortal ears, yet so few will hearken to its voice. No time must be wasted on listening, oh no. No to wisdom. No to truth. Only draw nearer to the self fulfillment, moving forward always. No stopping to think about the decisions to be made nor to the consequences being faced but only looking at the desired outcome ... this is particularly wonderful.

And I love this: Beauty rests. It mingles.

Methinks I recognize in you the soul of a poet. I pray God enables you to stay in touch with this gift throughout your life. He can use it.

Robyn said...

Yes, I did write this. Perhaps God will use my writings one day to be a positive influence in someones life as my great great grandmother was. I will bring you her poem book to church for you to read through. I'm sure you will enjoy it. God has blessed me with many talents that I have yet to reveal to the world. They need more work on precision but will be worth it.

Unknown said...

dang, robyn, that was deep.

wow, that is incredible.

It warmed my heart somehow, it seemed to touch an inner most part of myself that is rarely looked upon. I agree, robyn, you should continue this because that was amazingly amazing.

Anonymous said...

nice, i agree sometimes we do get caught in just what we want. its pretty hard not to but worth it

No One said...

Well done

All in all I believe this is a reflection of our society today; in more aspects than beauty. In reality there is nothing of evil origin(besides evil itself), I think what I mean is all things begin good. This beauty, from the beginning perception deemed it our own. But from the beginning it was also misconceived by this same perception; percieved as an item rather than an ideal. The same with money, war, as well as a plethora of other things. Kudos for this; it really speaks. Picture at the top? URL please

Robyn said...

@ kory
I am glad that it helped you look deeper into yourself. That is something all can benefit from doing.
@ terrance
It is easier to see the benefits of doing what you want to do rather than those of helping others.
@ nemo
yes, I believe you grasped the concept fully and lingered on it. I got that picture (which has since been removed) from mygirlyspace.com. I clicked on backgrounds then scene or landscape and went through the images til i found that one.