
Sunday, June 29, 2008


The English language is one that I have a lot of trouble with even though it is the only one I speak fluently. The fact that many English teachers don't know all the rules so they can't teach them could be one cause of this problem. With that being said, I have had success in one part of that course. Spelling has always been a strength of mine. I'm a great speller compared to most people. If I see a word, I can usually remember the letters used to form it and the order they are in. Misspelled words annoy me. The church bulletin from today has a note at the bottom on the inside that reads, "Congradtulations to Travis and Amber Chaney on the birth of their son, Parker, born on Tuesday. Please pray for this young family." I'll be sure to remember to pray for them. And wish them "Congradtulations". Now I know Microsoft word has a decent spellcheck program that, although it may not catch every error, surely it would have pointed out this type of mistake. I personally think that whoever writes the mini articles could not decide whether that word is spelled with a "d" or a "t" so they figured if they just put both, one of them has to be right. Three notices above that one, there is a mention of a recent wedding. It begins with the word, "Congratulations". I hope that my assumption is incorrect and the error was merely a slip-of-the-hand typo rather than one individual's ignorance. If someone really does not know how to spell, they do make dictionaries. Or the earlier notice could have been read over. Just a thought.


Jenny said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! You've struck a nerve with me, Chickie! Spelling, as you know (and punctuation, and usage) is my "thing" ... because I do love our lovely language so. Our church bulletin often contains these glaring gaffes and you are correct: there is NO excuse for it. Simple proofreading would do the trick. How about in nearly EVERY wedding program (including the one from a week ago at our church) when they misspell Pachelbel's Canon in D ... putting "Cannon" ... LOL! It's not a big gun, y'all ... it's a piece of music. Puleeeze ....

Kessex said...

Grammar nazi, much?

Aha, I'm the same way though. I was reading our local paper today and I think I found five typos in the second section front page article. I think it drove me crazy for about ten minutes.

Robyn said...

I thought that post might catch your interest. "Cannon" LOL.
@chris p
No, not grammar Nazi, it's just perplexing how they can misspell a word that is spelled correctly a mere four inches or so above said mistake.