
Saturday, April 04, 2009


Brookland-Cayce High School Senior Prom
April 3rd, 2009
South Carolina State Museum
The night consisted of so many surprises and strange events. It was without a doubt one of the most memorable nights of my life. The two most memorable things made it bittersweet: a new friend saw me for everything I never want to be and an old friend really saw me for who I truly am. I lost a friend last night. Not that they died, its more like I'm dead to them. They had recently behaved strangely out of anger and resentment. I hurt them. I don't know how. I don't know what I did but whatever it was cut deep.


Mikelle Street said...

Okay, so I'm the new friend and I'd like to clear a few things up.

One, umm I had not behaved shrangely out of anger and resentment. I have no reason to be resentful when it comes to you and I know why I behaved that way towards you and I expressly told you why I behaved in that manner.

Two, Robyn, you're going to have to give a little more info than that. I think I had a right to be angry to someone who basically humiliated me. I mean i was at a prom, dolled up, ready to go in, already having talkd to people inside who were EXPECTING me, and I couldn't go in. What makes it works darling is that you were LATE!!!! So it wasn't like, I'd just gotten there and all I had to do was stop my ride from leaving, oh no, I'd been sitting there for over an HOUR Robyn, and so yeah, I was pretty angry. I handled the situation with as level of a head as I could.

Three, you were dead to me, you really were. Then I walked across that graduation stage and decided, to leave all my problems and stuff behind so, even though this is the first time i've told you, I'm cool with every thing now.

Robyn said...

I was really upset about the whole thing. Getting there late was not on me. I didn't even want to go out to eat. My date planned that. We still would have made it on time but the food came late. I ordered a water. He took forever to eat. Then we had to wait on his parents to pick us up. We ate with 2 other couples. Everyone knew I needed to be at the museum at a certain time to meet you and I had your ticket. I made sure of that. And I reminded them several times.
I wanted you to go to prom for a few reasons. Mainly I knew you liked dances. On top of that the mentions of you in the blogpost are references to your behavior after the fca retreat. I thought you would see that I didn't mean to upset you if you went to prom and we could reconcile friendship. It was really important to me. I had it worked out but things happened outside of my control.
I don't have a problem with you being angry with me over the prom stuff. I do understand that was horrible. I didn't do that on purpose. Its the way you acted before that I didn't understand.
I'm truly sorry for everything. I never intend to embarrass anyone.