
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why be single?

1. You aren't staying up waiting on that phone call from your "significant other".
2. You aren't limited to one person(kind of joking here.)
3. You learn who you are without someone else deciding or influencing you.
4. You have more free time.
5. You see your friends more (goes along with #4)
6. You have more money.
7. You realize how dumb some people look when they're with their "sweetheart".
8. You don't have to remember as many "important" dates.
9. You don't have to buy presents(goes with #6).
10. You can't get let down on Valentines Day.


Mikelle Street said...

OMG Robyn you blog!! my sis and i do to... that's kewl!

Robyn said...

haha. yes it is.
How did you find me?

Mikelle Street said...

well i kinda was on ur fb and saw that your post was imported from here...I'm computer savvy like that.