
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Late one night..

you're my strength, my comfort, my rock.
I keep my heart closed while you stand and knock.
The time passes 'til I see your face.
The judgement will come.
Time cannot erase
the mistakes I have made
and the games that I played,
wastin' away,
My soul you came to save.
But I just turn away.
I don't want to see
your soveriegnty,
your majesty,
your glory.
It's not for me.
I tell myself inside but I know I cannot hide
from your will and your way,
For your way is perfect
and I know it
but my way seems easy
and your way seems cheesy.
And God, I don't think you're right all the time.
I'll just do what I want and live the good life without you.
Yeah, I know its not true,
but it paints a pretty picture in my mind.
One I want to live for.
Even though it was me you died for.
You died and were raised to save me,
yet how do I repay thee?
I talk like I'm this and act like I'm that.
My life is but a vapor.
It's fading fast. It won't last
but for a moment
and then I'll be gone.
This life won't matter,
these clothes, this hair, it won't matter there.
It's not about being liked, it's about being light.
Being your light for those who are hurting,
for those who are searching.
Shape me and mold me, God.
Take me and hold me.
Make me your creation.
Turn me into who you want me to be.
Let me stand out boldy.
Let me come before your throne, even if I'm alone.
I give you praise all of my days.
Let me serve you an worship you.
God, after all that I've done, you still love me.
That just amazes me.